The ambassador of France in Canada to visit Toronto

The Ambassador of France in Canada, Mr Nicolas Chapuis visited Toronto on October 22 and 23. He took part of the celebrations of the 400th anniversary of the French presence in Ontario. The expansion of economic and financial ties between Ontario and France was also at the heart of his visit to Canada’s economic and financial capital.

On October 22nd, French Ambassador Nicolas Chapuis made two notable contributions: he discused the challenges facing the French language in the new international economy at the Club canadien de Toronto and he took part in the great debate regarding the place of the Ontarian Francophonie on the international scale during the Grand Rassemblement of the Assemblée générale de la francophonie en Ontario. The expansion of economic and financial ties between Ontario and France was also at the heart of his visit to Canada’s economic and financial capital. As a result, he was accompanied by Jean-Paul Herteman, the former CEO of Safran and the special representative of Minister Laurent Fabius regarding economic relations with Canada, and by Arnaud Vaissié, President of the Union des Chambres de commerce et d’industrie françaises à l’étranger (UCCIFE).

Last modified on 30/10/2015

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